Citation - Boston Post Boy: 1741.02.09

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Index Entry Britannia's Glory [t] [beg] British sun triumphs o'er Britain's foes, The 
Location Boston 
9 Feb 1741:31 (357)
The British sun triumphs o'er Britain's foes,
Strikes dread, as in his lawful course he goes,
Majestick moves, vengeance Augustu shews;
Scorches the pride of Spain, for perfidy,
. . . [5 more lines]
A gallant sound from Britain's raised voice
Echoes, theatres ring, brave souls rejoice. [signed]

Generic Title Boston Post Boy 
Date 1741.02.09 
Publisher Huske, E. 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1741 
Bibliography B0010635
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